
People are being forced into renting due to unaffordable property prices

Commenting on figures showing the number of families living in privately rented homes has almost tripled since Holyrood was established, Andy Wightman MSP, Housing spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, said:

“These figures show how dysfunctional our housing supply has become. Far too many people are being forced into renting due to unaffordable property prices and a lack of genuine housing tenure. 

"We need to see transformative action over this Parliament to enable affordable and high quality housing for all. This should include ending the speculative volume house-building model, reform of the planning system to capture land values, promotion of self-procured, social and co-operative housing solutions and further reforms to the private rented sector to ensure that it provides the security and affordability that tenants need.”

The latest Scottish Household Survey shows 14 per cent of all households rent their property, compared to 5 per cent in 1999.